Early Childhood Teacher Education Course

MECE-ACAD: Academic Phase
During the Academic Phase (MECE-ACAD) of 304 classroom hours (courses 401-414), the student will complete the following course work:
MECE-PL 401 Practical Life/Everyday Living Curriculum:
Philosophy and rationale, ground rules and courtesy, control of movement, care of the person, care of the environment, and food and nutrition.
MECE-SEN 402 Sensorial Curriculum:
Philosophy and rationale. Use of the didactic materials aiding the education and refinement of the senses.
MECE-PHIL 403 Montessori Philosophy / Theory:
Overview of the historical perspective and philosophy specific to the method (to include study of the absorbent mind, sensitive periods, tendencies and the mathematical mind, spiritual and moral development of the child, cosmic education, and peace education) and how they relate to the child from birth through six, in relation to Montessori philosophy, materials, teacher and environment.
MECE-OB/R 404 Observation & Research Methods in Montessori Education:
Theories and field research techniques used in cultural anthropology and their usefulness in understanding early childhood development in a Montessori setting. Some assignments in this course will be completed during the Practicum Phase (MECE-PRAC 416 Independent Study).
MECE-LANG 405 Language Curriculum:
Philosophy and rationale of language, receptive and expressive language experiences, visual and auditory perceptual experiences, vocabulary development and enrichment, use of basic materials that aid the development of these skills/concepts to include reading, penmanship, writing, and function of words, plus children's literature and drama.
MECE-MA 406 Mathematics Curriculum:
Philosophy, rationale and materials that aid in the development of mathematical concepts and skills: introduction to numeration, the decimal system, functions of the decimal system, linear counting, memorization of basic arithmetic facts, fractions, and mathematical applications.
MECE-PLS 407 Physical and Life Science Curriculum:
Philosophy and rationale of the Montessori curriculum in regard to botany, zoology, earth science, and physical science.
MECE-CD/P 408 Child Development / Psychology:
Theories of development, stages of development, areas of development, and the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development of the young child. Current research in the field is reviewed.
MECE-AR 409 Art Curriculum:
Philosophy and rationale of art. Students are introduced to the basic skills to be presented, two dimensional work such as easel or table work, three dimensional work and art appreciation and history.
MECE-MU 410 Music Curriculum:
Philosophy and rationale, rhythmic skills, singing skills, instrumental skills, music appreciation and history.
MECE-MOV 411 Movement / Fine and Gross Motor Skills Curriculum:
Philosophy and rationale of movement and body awareness in the context of basic skills, such as loco-motor, stationary, games, line activities, story-telling and dramatics with a focus on being in nature.
MECE-SS 412 Social Studies: Philosophy and rationale of geography (land and water forms, globes, maps, flags, multicultural awareness) and of history (time, calendar, seasons, and personal history).
MECE-MA 413 Classroom Leadership and Parent Involvement/Education:
Topics include, but are not limited to the following: preparation of the environment, scheduling for the staff as well as the schedule for the child's day, evaluation of children, techniques for discipline, communication and problem solving, human needs and requirements (children, families and staff) specific to a full day or extended day program, multi-culture and diversity in all forms, understanding issues relating to school administration, professional relations, and best practices. Also, in relation to Parent Involvement/Education, raising the level of awareness, developing the knowledge base, providing options and strategies for collaboration and involvement, and methods of application-implementation of such strategies. Also discussed are professional responsibilities, reflective practice, innovation and flexibility, multi diversity and culturally responsive methods, support and intervention for learning differences and community resources for learning, plus licensing requirements, start up procedures, legal structures of schools, budgeting and financial operations, and the role of consultation and accreditation.
MECE-OR 414 Orientation:
Facility and course overview.
Early Childhood Education Course
Practicum Phase:
During the Practicum Phase students will complete a minimum of 612 hours including an internship and monthly Practicum Seminars.
MECE-PRAC 415 Student Teaching: The function of the Practicum Phase is to provide for the adult learner a supervised teaching-learning experience and a period of observation, internalization, and further study, to bring together the theory and practice of Montessori education. The minimum early childhood practicum is defined as lasting a full academic year, with the adult learner working at the practicum site, in the classroom of an approved Supervising Teacher, for a minimum of three hours a day, five days a week for nine consecutive months (or other equivalent time as approved by AMS and MMI).
No part of the Practicum Phase may precede the beginning of the Academic Phase of the course. The class should contain children in the 2 1/2 - 6 year age range and should be equipped with a full complement of Montessori didactic equipment. The adult learner in a traditional internship may not be asked to assume the full responsibility of the classroom without the presence of the Supervising Teacher or other qualified staff person.
Total: 540 hours minimum
MECE-PRAC 416 Independent Study: The adult learner will undertake an original Independent Study that is ongoing during the Practicum Phase of the Early Childhood teacher education course. The Independent Study includes observation and research, analysis of field data, and preparation and presentation of the completed research paper. The formal presentation to colleagues and MMI faculty concludes the Observation and Research Methods in Montessori Education Course begun during the Academic Phase.
MECE-PRAC 417 Practicum Seminars: Adult learners are required to participate in Practicum Seminars as listed in the MMI calendar throughout the Practicum Phase.
Total: 70 hours approximately
MACTE Competencies
The candidate for Certification understands:
I. Knowledge
1a. Montessori Philosophy
1b. Human Growth and Development
1c. Subject matter for the Early Childhood Level: Practical Life, Sensorial, Mathematics, Language, Science, Physical
Geography, Cultural Studies, Cosmic Education, Peace Education, The Arts, and Fine & Gross Motor Skills.
1d. Community Resources for Learning
II. Pedagogy ~ Understands:
2a. Correct Use of Montessori Materials
2b. Scope and Sequence of Curriculum
2c. The Prepared Environment
2d. Parent / Teacher / Community / Environment
2e. The Purpose and Methods of Observation
2f. Planning for Instruction
2g. Assessment & Documentation
2h. Reflective Practice
2i. Support and Intervention for Learning Differences
2j. Culturally Responsive Methods
III. Teaching with Grace and Courtesy ~ the Candidate Demonstrates and Implements with Children:
3a. Classroom Leadership
3b. Authentic Assessment
3c. The Montessori Philosophy and Methods (Materials)
3d. Parent / Teacher / Family Partnership
3e. Professional Responsibilities
3f. Innovation and Flexibility