Montgomery Montessori Institute
Life’s Lesson Plan

Montgomery Montessori Institute (MMI) was founded in 1993 for individuals interested in becoming certified, early childhood Montessori educators. In 2010, MMI's Infant & Toddler teacher education course was born. MMI has established a carefully designed early childhood and infant & toddler teacher education courses in response to the critical community and nationwide need for qualified and inspiring early childhood educators and infant & toddler professionals. Anchored in the teaching philosophy and teaching methodology formulated by Dr. Maria Montessori, MMI's program focuses on the developmental needs of the child within a context of freedom and structure.
MMI is located at 10500 Darnestown Road, Rockville, Maryland on the campus of The Franklin Schools: Franklin Montessori School and Franklin Country Day Montessori School. Both Montessori schools are approved by the Maryland State Department of Education and accredited by the American Montessori Society. MMI's two-phased program consists of the summer Academic Phase that is held within classrooms designated for Montgomery Montessori Institute and the Practicum Phase. The Academic Phase begins in early June and continues for eight consecutive weeks through early August with classes held from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. MMI provides the unique opportunity for students to learn hands-on and to observe Montessori classrooms in action. The Practicum Phase incorporates student-teaching from September to June. The student-teaching phase provides an excellent internship opportunity in the classroom of an approved supervising teacher. MMI prides itself on its fine student-teacher ratio and history of very successful graduates.
Recognizing that children grow through developmentally sensitive periods, MMI adult learners study in a rigorous learning environment combining Montessori educational theory and philosophy, observational research and practical classroom teaching skills. Empowered with a thorough understanding of children's developmental needs, MMI adult learners are professionally educated to subsequently endow their infants, toddlers and early childhood students with the art, inventiveness and creativity of learning in a 21st century high-tech, fast-paced world.
An average of one to ten teacher-student ratio is maintained throughout both teacher education courses. MMI has a three-fold objective of educating, credentialing, and assisting in the placement of Montessori graduates either locally or in Montessori schools nationwide. The Montessori teacher credential is achieved through successful completion of MMI's two-phased course including the Academic and the Practicum Phases.
Classes begin promptly at 8:00 a.m. and end at 5:00 p.m. There is a one hour lunch break at noon each day. The classroom time consists of lecture, demonstration, practice time in a classroom setting, and material making. Although practice time and material making are built into the curriculum, additional time is needed for these activities as well as reading and study. Material making continues through the Practicum Phase to allow students more time and resources for completing their assignments. MMI opens at 7:30 a.m. each day and closes at 6:00 p.m. Adult learners may use the time before and after class for study and practice with the Montessori didactic equipment.